(2007) Sexing the Teacher: School Sex Scandals and Queer Pedagogies. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
Chapters in Books:
(2009) “Sex in the Lesbian Teacher’s Closet: The Hybrid Proliferation of Queers in School” In Jo-Anne Dillabough, Julie McLeod and Martin Mills (Eds.) Gender and Education. Routledge: London and New York.
(2005) “Female Teacher Gender and Sexuality in Twentieth Century Ontario, Canada,” In Rebecca Coulter and Helen Harper (Eds.), History is Hers: Women Educators in Twentieth Century Ontario. Detselig: Calgary.
(2005) “Nervous Narratives: Female Teacher Maladies in the Twentieth Century,” In Rebecca Coulter and Helen Harper (Eds.), History is Hers: Women Educators in Twentieth Century Ontario. Detselig: Calgary.
(1999) “The Heterosexualization of the Ontario Woman Teacher in the Postwar Period,” in Nuzhat Amin et al. (Eds.), Canadian Woman Studies: An Introductory Reader. Inanna publications and Education Inc.: Toronto. Reprinted in Mona Gleason and Adele Perry (Eds.) Rethinking Canada: The Promise of Women’s History. Oxford University Press.
Papers in Refereed Journals:
(2008) “Sex in the Lesbian Teacher’s Closet: The Hybrid Proliferation of Queers in School.” Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 29(3): 387-399.
Co-authored with Heather Sykes. (2006). “Transsexual Bodies at the Olympics: The International Olympic Policy on Transsexual Athletes at the Athens Summer Games.”Body and Society 12(3): 75-102.
(2006). “Spinsters, Schoolmarms, and Queers: The Unmarried Teacher in Medicine and Psychoanalytic Theory.” Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 27(4): 421-440.
(2005) “Sexing the Teacher: Voyeuristic Pleasure in the Amy Gehring Case,” Social Text82, 23 (1): 111-134.
(2005) “Female Teacher Gender and Sexuality in 20th Century Ontario, Canada.” History of Education Quarterly 45(2): 247-273.
(2004) “Upsetting Desires in the Classroom: School Sex Scandals and the Pedagogy of the Femme Fatale.” Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society (9):315-332.
(2003) “Teacher Transsexuality: The Illusion of Sexual Difference and the Idea of Adolescent Trauma. Sexualities: Studies in Culture and Society 6 (3-4): 365-388.
(2003) “The Gender of Professionalism and Occupational Closure: The Management of Tenure Related Disputes by the ‘Federation of Women Teacher’s Associations of Ontario’, 1918-1949.” Gender and Education 15(1): 39-57.
(2001) “From a Belief in Biology as Destiny to an Environmental Perspective of Mental Health: The Impact of the Canadian National Committee for Mental Hygiene on Education in Ontario, Canada, 1920-50.” Change: Transformation in Education: A Journal of Theory, Research, Policy and Practice, 4(1): 48-62.
(2001) “The Pedagogy of the Pastor: Social Studies Education in Early Twentieth Century Canada.” Canadian Journal of Education. 26(4): 405-421.
(1998) “The Heterosexualization of the Ontario Woman Teacher in the Post-war Period.”Canadian Women’s Studies/les cahiers de la femme 18(1): 55-69.
Review Essays:
(2002) “The Pedagogy of Texts on Transgendered Subjects.” International Journal of Cultural Studies 5(4): 499-506.
Non-Refereed Media Publications:
(April 5-11, 2007) “No textbook crime: Teacher-teen affairs are unprofessional but not always criminal.” Now, Issue 1315, Vol. 26, No. 31.
(March 29, 2007) “Student/teacher relationships: Professional misconduct or sex crime?”XTRA, No.585, p. 12.
(1996) “The Prom You Never Had, The Prom You Always Wanted: For Lesbian and Gay Youth.” Siren 1, 3: 3-4.